Most frequently used
recruitment system in Poland

applicant tracking system

See how the eRecruiter system can make your work easier:

Attract top talents

You can easily post your job ads on 24 web portals (such as and OLX) from a single place. You can attract more matching candidates with your Career Web Page and the Employee Referral Module.

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system wspierający procesy rekrutacyjne

Ensure perfect Candidate Experience

You can easily build your image of a top employer and make candidates simply love your recruitment process owing to: online interviews, personalized communication, automatic interview reminders and candidate satisfaction surveys.

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system ats ułatwia publikację ogłoszeń rekrutacyjnych

Optimize your recruitment projects with reports

With a single click, you can gain access to data, comprehensible charts and neat breakdowns, which can help you make more informed decisions, structure more effective recruitment processes and boost the efficiency of your entire recruitment team.

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systemy ats skuteczne pozyskiwanie kandydatów

Secure the data of your candidates

Our system uses top-quality system security measures and solutions compliant with the GDPR. It guarantees that the data of your candidates are safe and you easily fulfill all your information obligations and obtain the required consents.

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wsparcie w procesach rekrutacyjnych

Manage many more things than just recruitment projects

You will be able to use the HR Marketplace — a friendly and effective ecosystem of HR tools tailored to the needs of your organization. You will gain access to the integrated services and tools provided by our trusted partners, which will help you attract, employ and retain talents.

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zarządzanie procesami rekrutacyjnymi

eRecruiter in a prestigious
Fosway 9-Grid 2023 report

We are glad to inform that our organization was awarded the title of a Solid Performer in the Fosway 9-Grid 2023 report. We joined a prestigious circle of top providers of technologies for the HR industry in the European market.

The position of a Solid Performer is a confirmation that our solutions are acclaimed by the market and effectively help companies reach their strategic business goals. We have been appreciated for our innovative approach, high quality of our services and strong support offered to our clients.

eRecruiter w raporcie Fosway 9-Grid 2023

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Try our solutions in practice. See how the comfort of your work can change with eRecruiter.

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