Excellent Candidate Experience

Build positive experience of candidates from the first stages of the recruitment process. Strengthen relations with candidates with tools enabling convenient daily communication.

Stay in touch!

We believe recruitment does not have to be stressful and maintaining regular contacts with the candidates does not need to be a difficult task. Therefore, we turn the traditional process into an exciting recruitment adventure. See how we do it!

Automated SMS communication

It is good to stay in touch with candidates all the time — on every stage of the recruitment process! Ensure their positive experience, while saving your time and boosting the effectiveness of the recruitment process. All you need to do is set the parameters of sending the messages and eRecruiter will do it automatically, sending:

  • “Thank you” messages in response to the submitted job application;
  • messages to candidates who do not answer phone calls;
  • information about moving to the next stage;
  • information about rejection from the recruitment process;
  • …and many others, depending on your needs.
Learn more!

Career Web Page Creator

The “Career” tab is one of the first places visited by a candidate on your corporate website, so you might want to make it respond to their needs and expectations. It is easy with eRecruiter!

With our Career Web Page Creator, you will create a customized and attractive career web page entirely on your own, without the need to involve any other departments or a third-party agency. What is more, you will also be able to post current job ads on your website directly from the level of the eRecruiter system.

Show candidates you care about their experience! Take care about your image online and gain an extra source of valuable job applications.

Candidate Experience Module

What if we examined recruitment from the candidate’s perspective?

Nearly 80% of candidates declare willingness to share their opinion about the recruitment process. Take advantage of this opportunity to ensure the best candidate experience in your organization.
The Candidate Experience Module in eRecruiter enables you to collect valuable feedback regarding recruitment, in order to satisfy the expectations of candidates even more successfully!

What will you get with surveying candidate experience?

  • Recruitment-related feedback sourced directly from candidates in real time​
  • Identification of highly evaluated components of the recruitment process and/or areas that need improvement​
  • Ability to apply changes to the recruitment process expected by candidates​
  • Greater attractiveness of your recruitment projects and image as an employer​

Wide range of available message templates

Who said personalized communication must be very time-consuming?

With our message templates, you will make the work of your team easier and enhance the communication with candidates in the entire HR department. You can adjust the available message templates to the needs of your organization and create entirely new templates matching their intended purpose. Smart data fields will help you personalize your messages quickly — the system will automatically fill them with previously collected information before the messages are sent to candidates.

Effect? You and your team save time, while your candidates feel taken care of. Win-win!

Full history of correspondence

Now you can send and receive messages directly in the eRecruiter system! You can quickly check the arrangements made with a given candidate without unnecessarily searching the folders.

The list of conversations will be available only to those account users who are granted the access to the profile of a given candidate.

No more browsing through the entire mailbox to find the right e-mail message!

Job interviews the candidate will not forget about

Your memory and punctuality might use a little help!

With eRecruiter, you can send the key details of the scheduled recruitment meetings to the candidates by e-mail and text messages. The system will also send an automatic reminder to the person being recruited 24 hours before the meeting.

The messages offer the candidate the possibility to cancel the meeting, in which case you receive an immediate notification.

Quick and simple feedback

Everyone likes to know their situation, especially in the middle of a recruitment process, isn’t that right?

Your candidates are looking forward to any information about the status of their applications. Respond to their expectations! With just a few clicks in eRecruiter, you will send (individual or bulk) feedback on their current status in the recruitment process.

Show candidates you value their time and watch your employer branding improve!

system ats ułatwia publikację ogłoszeń rekrutacyjnych

Online recruitment meetings

Distance and work model do not matter anymore!

With eRecruiter, you will conduct the recruitment process without the need to contact the candidate in person. You will arrange an online meeting directly in the system, using the embedded tool or integration with MS Teams and Google Meet.

Conduct an interview, send materials and share files with your candidate — all this fully online!

Test eRecruiter

Ensure positive candidate experience with ease.