Many benefits in one system

Get one solution that will satisfy all your recruitment needs

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See how much you can save

Every recruitment project is a system of communicating vessels. Improvements of each small element add up to the final profit — both the one measured in money and the one that is more difficult to grasp and is related to the time devoted by people engaged in the process.

Use our calculator and find out how valuable the eRecruiter’s support can be.

  • Number of recruitment projects a year
  • Average (gross) salary of an employee in the company
  • Estimated reduction of the time needed for employment of an employee owing to eRecruiter (in days)

Savings generated by eRecruiter

  • Savings in workload of the HR staff and managers00000
  • Profit from quicker employment process00000
  • Savings from optimization of commercial sources of job applications00000
  • Selected estimated benefits in total (annually)00000 PLN
Are those figures impressive?
Try it now

Start saving with our ATS system

Try eRecruiter for free for 30 days and find out how much you can gain.

We respond to all of your recruitment needs

All applications in a single place

No more switching between many different sources. Regardless of the number of channels you post your job ads in, applications received from candidates are stored in a single secure place and you can answer them before other employers contact a given candidate.

Manage, automate and plan in the same system

eRecruiter is your recruiting command center. You have full control over every aspect of your recruitment projects — regardless of whether you represent a large multinational or a small company.

Data from the reports always at hand

With the reporting module, you can gain access to data that can help you make more informed decisions, structure more effective recruitment processes and boost the effectiveness of your entire recruitment team.

Stay updated by the candidate and the business

You can maintain automated and yet personalized communication with candidates, which will help you win their hearts in the very beginning, while the business-related functionalities will enable you to engage hiring managers in your processes.

Improve other HR processes as well

From CV sourcing to offboarding. You can choose between dozens of digital services offered by trusted partners of eRecruiter. You will easily integrate them with the ecosystem of tools used in your organization.

Why should you choose eRecruiter?​

We offer our clients exceptional support

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